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Mario Party Superstars Boards

Welcome to the world of Mario Party Superstars! In this article, presented by, we will delve into the captivating Mario Party Superstars boards that make up this thrilling multiplayer party game. is a leading blog that covers gaming news and reviews, providing readers with insightful articles and updates on the latest gaming trends. Join us as we embark on a journey through the various boards of Mario Party Superstars, each offering unique challenges, strategic opportunities, and memorable moments. For more gaming news and in-depth reviews, be sure to visit

Exploring the Exciting Boards in Mario Party Superstars

Welcome to the world of Mario Party Superstars! In this article, we will delve into the captivating boards that make up this thrilling multiplayer party game. With a rich blend of nostalgia and fresh gameplay, Mario Party Superstars brings together classic boards from previous Mario Party titles, giving fans and newcomers alike a chance to experience the best of the series. Join us as we embark on a journey through the various boards, each offering unique challenges, strategic opportunities, and memorable moments.

Board 1: Peach’s Birthday Cake

A. Overview

Mario Party Superstars kicks off with the beloved board, Peach’s Birthday Cake. This board takes place in a confectionery wonderland, where players navigate around a giant cake to collect coins and stars. The vibrant and colorful design, combined with the whimsical music, creates a joyful atmosphere that sets the tone for the game.

B. Gameplay Mechanics

On Peach’s Birthday Cake, players take turns rolling dice to move across the board. Each space holds a surprise, including mini-games, item shops, and hidden pathways. Landing on certain spaces triggers events that can affect gameplay, such as stealing coins from opponents or earning bonus stars.

C. Key Features

  • Cake Slices: The cake is divided into slices, and players can earn coins and stars by reaching different slices. Strategy comes into play as players decide which paths to take to maximize their chances of collecting rewards.
  • Bowser Spaces: Beware of Bowser Spaces! Landing on these spaces can result in penalties or unexpected challenges, adding an element of unpredictability to the game.
  • Themed Mini-Games: Peach’s Birthday Cake features a set of mini-games specifically tailored to the board’s theme. These mini-games are both entertaining and offer opportunities to earn additional coins and advantages.

D. Strategies and Tips

  • Keep an eye on the cake slices: Plan your movement strategically to reach the slices with the most lucrative rewards, such as stars or valuable items.
  • Utilize items wisely: Utilize the items available in the item shop to gain an edge over your opponents. Items like the Golden Mushroom can grant you extra dice rolls, increasing your chances of reaching desirable cake slices.
  • Observe your opponents: Pay attention to your opponents’ positions and strategies. Stealing coins from them or using other means to disrupt their progress can give you a significant advantage.

Board 2: Spaceland

A. Overview

Embark on an interstellar adventure with Spaceland, a futuristic board set in outer space. This visually stunning board features floating platforms, space-themed obstacles, and an upbeat soundtrack that immerses players in a cosmic experience.

B. Gameplay Mechanics

In Spaceland, players aim to collect stars scattered across the board while evading various hazards and obstacles. The unique mechanic of this board is the presence of a spaceship that players can ride to access different sections of the board, adding an element of strategic movement.

C. Key Features

  • Spaceship Travel: The spaceship acts as a transportation system, allowing players to move to different parts of the board quickly. Timing your spaceship rides strategically can grant you access to hard-to-reach stars and advantageous positions.
  • Cosmic Events: Throughout the game, random cosmic events occur, bringing unexpected twists and turns. These events can influence the movement of players, alter the board’s layout, or introduce special challenges.
  • Alien Invasions: Look out for alien invasions! These events shake up the gameplay by introducing mini-games and unique opportunities to earn stars or coins.

D. Strategies and Tips

  • Master the spaceship timings: Pay close attention to the spaceship’s schedule and plan your movements accordingly. Timing your arrival at the spaceship can give you an advantage in reaching stars or avoiding hazards.
  • Take advantage of cosmic events: Adapt your strategy based on the cosmic events occurring during the game. Some events may provide opportunities to collect extra stars or hinder your opponents’ progress, so make sure to capitalize on these moments.
  • Utilize the warp pads: Spaceland features warp pads that allow you to teleport to different areas of the board. Strategically using these warp pads can help you navigate the board more efficiently and access stars or advantageous positions.

Board 3: Woody Woods

Mario Party Superstars Boards
Mario Party Superstars Boards

A. Overview

Enter the enchanting forest of Woody Woods, where lush greenery and towering trees set the backdrop for an adventurous Mario Party experience. This board offers a serene and nature-inspired setting, complete with delightful critters and soothing background music.

B. Gameplay Mechanics

Woody Woods introduces a day-and-night cycle, adding a dynamic element to the gameplay. Players traverse the board, aiming to collect stars and coins while navigating through dense forests, crossing bridges, and encountering charming woodland creatures.

C. Key Features

  • Day and Night Cycle: As players progress through turns, the board transitions between day and night. This cycle affects the availability of certain paths, events, and interactions, introducing strategic choices and altering gameplay dynamics.
  • Secret Paths: Woody Woods is full of hidden paths that can lead to hidden stashes of coins or shortcuts to stars. Exploring the nooks and crannies of the board can be rewarding and give you an edge over your opponents.
  • Friendly Creatures: Throughout the board, friendly woodland creatures offer assistance or special events to players. Interacting with these creatures can provide advantages, such as free items or extra dice rolls.

D. Strategies and Tips

  • Adapt to the day and night cycle: Plan your moves according to the time of day to optimize your chances of accessing hidden paths or encountering helpful creatures.
  • Explore the entire board: Take the time to explore all areas of Woody Woods, as hidden paths and valuable rewards may be tucked away in unexpected places.
  • Utilize items strategically: Use items like the Lamp to manipulate the day and night cycle to your advantage. Changing the time to suit your needs can open up new opportunities for collecting stars or hindering your opponents.

Board 4: Horror Land

A. Overview

Prepare for a spooky adventure as you step into the eerie realm of Horror Land. This board draws inspiration from classic horror themes, featuring haunted mansions, ominous graveyards, and a chilling soundtrack that sets the tone for an atmospheric gameplay experience.

B. Gameplay

Mechanics Horror Land introduces unique mechanics centered around Boo, the mischievous ghost. Players navigate through the haunted board, encountering Boo and other eerie events while aiming to collect stars and avoid the perils that lurk around every corner.

C. Key Features

  • Boo: Boo plays a significant role in Horror Land, offering players the chance to steal coins or stars from opponents. Strategically interacting with Boo can turn the tides of the game and provide you with valuable resources.
  • Haunted Events: Horror Land is full of supernatural occurrences and spooky events. These events can disrupt gameplay, introduce special challenges, or grant you additional rewards. Embrace the horror and seize the opportunities presented to you.
  • Cryptic Pathways: Uncover hidden pathways and shortcuts as you explore the board. These secret routes can lead you to stars or allow you to bypass dangerous areas, giving you an advantage over your adversaries.

D. Strategies and Tips

  • Make strategic use of Boo: Utilize Boo’s ability to steal coins or stars from opponents strategically. Observing your opponents’ resources and timing your interactions with Boo can disrupt their progress and boost your own chances of victory.
  • Plan your movement carefully: Horror Land is full of traps and hazards. Plan your routes to avoid dangerous spaces or time your movements to minimize the risk of encountering negative events.
  • Keep an eye on the clock: Horror Land features a clock that determines the length of day and night. Pay attention to the time and plan your actions accordingly. Certain events or opportunities may only arise during specific times, so use the time wisely to maximize your chances of success.

Board 5: Koopa Troopa’s Tycoon Town

A. Overview

Get ready for a business-themed extravaganza in Koopa Troopa’s Tycoon Town. This board transforms Mario Party into a capitalist adventure, where players aim to amass wealth and become the ultimate tycoon. The bustling cityscape, accompanied by energetic music, creates a lively and competitive atmosphere.

B. Gameplay Mechanics

Koopa Troopa’s Tycoon Town introduces economic elements to the gameplay. Players buy and upgrade properties, collect rent, and engage in fierce competition to dominate the board financially. It’s a race to see who can accumulate the most coins and stars while strategically investing in properties.

C. Key Features

  • Property Investment: Buy properties located on the board and upgrade them to increase their value. As other players land on your properties, you earn rent, allowing you to amass wealth and gain an advantage over your opponents.
  • Stock Market: Engage in the stock market to buy and sell stocks of different companies represented on the board. Successfully predicting market trends can yield substantial profits and contribute to your overall financial success.
  • Special Buildings: Discover special buildings that provide unique benefits when owned. These buildings offer advantages such as discounts on property purchases or extra income from rent, giving you an edge in the game.

D. Strategies and Tips

  • Balance property investments and movement: While it’s important to invest in properties to generate income, be mindful of your movement around the board. Balancing property acquisition with strategic positioning can help you maximize your income while minimizing risks.
  • Monitor the stock market: Stay informed about the performance of the stock market and make calculated investments. Analyze trends and consider investing in companies that show potential for growth to boost your earnings.
  • Utilize special buildings: Take advantage of special buildings and their unique benefits. Acquiring and owning these buildings can provide you with valuable advantages that contribute to your overall success as a tycoon.

Board 6: Yoshi’s Tropical Island

Mario Party Superstars Boards
Mario Party Superstars Boards

A. Overview

Escape to the paradise of Yoshi’s Tropical Island, where sun-soaked beaches, lush vegetation, and a tropical soundtrack create a relaxing and vibrant atmosphere. This board offers a serene and laid-back experience, immersing players in the beauty of a tropical getaway.

B. Gameplay Mechanics

Yoshi’s Tropical Island focuses on exploration and treasure hunting. Players navigate the island, encountering hidden paths, secret treasures, and friendly island dwellers while striving to collect stars and coins.

C. Key Features

  • Hidden Treasures: Explore the nooks and crannies of Yoshi’s Tropical Island to discover hidden treasures. These treasures can provide various benefits, such as extra coins or stars, offering a delightful surprise to those who uncover them.
  • Island Events: Engage in island events that occur throughout the game. These events range from friendly interactions with island inhabitants to exciting mini-games that provide opportunities to earn rewards and advance in the game.
  • Dynamic Island Layout: The island layout changes dynamically as players progress through the game. Bridges may appear or disappear, altering pathways and creating new strategic opportunities. Stay attentive to these changes to adapt your gameplay accordingly.

D. Strategies and Tips:

  • Explore thoroughly: Yoshi’s Tropical Island is teeming with hidden paths and treasures. Take the time to explore every corner of the island to uncover its secrets and maximize your chances of finding valuable items or shortcuts.
  • Interact with island dwellers: Engage with the friendly inhabitants of the island. They may offer hints, rewards, or even initiate events that can benefit you in your quest for stars and coins.
  • Plan your moves strategically: Due to the changing nature of the island’s layout, plan your moves carefully. Anticipate the appearance or disappearance of bridges and strategically position yourself to take advantage of these changes.

Board 7: Mystery Land

A. Overview

Enter the enigmatic world of Mystery Land, where ancient ruins, mystical landscapes, and a haunting soundtrack set the stage for an adventurous Mario Party experience. Mystery Land is filled with secrets and surprises, making it a captivating board for players to explore.

B. Gameplay Mechanics

Mystery Land offers a unique gameplay experience centered around unearthing hidden artifacts and solving puzzles. Players navigate through the intricate maze of the board, encountering ancient structures, mysterious pathways, and challenging obstacles.

C. Key Features

  • Ancient Artifacts: Throughout Mystery Land, players can uncover ancient artifacts by completing specific tasks or solving puzzles. These artifacts can grant significant advantages, such as extra stars or special abilities, giving you an edge over your opponents.
  • Puzzles and Riddles: Prepare to test your wits with the puzzles and riddles scattered across the board. Solving these brain teasers can unlock hidden areas or reveal shortcuts, rewarding players who showcase their problem-solving skills.
  • Hidden Passages: Mystery Land is riddled with hidden passages and secret routes. Discovering and utilizing these pathways can provide strategic advantages and help you reach stars or valuable rewards.

D. Strategies and Tips:

  • Investigate all areas: Leave no stone unturned in your quest to uncover artifacts and solve puzzles. Explore every corner of Mystery Land, interact with structures, and experiment with different approaches to reveal hidden secrets.
  • Sharpen your puzzle-solving skills: Hone your ability to solve puzzles and riddles. Pay attention to clues provided by the board’s elements, such as symbols or patterns, and apply your problem-solving skills to unlock hidden treasures.
  • Strategic use of artifacts: Once you obtain artifacts, use them strategically to gain an advantage. Assess the current game state and choose the most opportune moments to activate these powerful items, maximizing their impact on your progress.

Board 8: Space Land

A. Overview

Brace yourself for an out-of-this-world adventure in Space Land, where cosmic wonders and futuristic landscapes create a visually stunning Mario Party board. With its intergalactic theme and captivating music, Space Land offers a truly immersive gameplay experience.

B. Gameplay

Mechanics Space Land introduces unique gameplay mechanics related to space exploration and extraterrestrial encounters. Players navigate through the vastness of space, encountering celestial objects, unpredictable events, and cosmic challenges.

C. Key Features

  • Celestial Objects: Space Land is filled with celestial objects, such as planets, moons, and comets. These objects affect gameplay by altering movement patterns, triggering events, or providing opportunities to collect valuable rewards.
  • Space Events: Be prepared for unexpected space events that can drastically change the course of the game. These events introduce challenges, mini-games, or bonuses, adding an element of excitement and unpredictability to Space Land.
  • Cosmic Power-ups: Discover special power-ups unique to Space Land. These power-ups can grant you temporary advantages, such as increased movement or the ability to manipulate space-related elements on the board.

D. Strategies and Tips:

  • Adapt to changing celestial objects: Pay close attention to the movement patterns and effects of celestial objects on the board. Adjust your strategy accordingly, taking advantage of beneficial objects and avoiding potential hazards.
  • Embrace the space events: Space events can be game-changers. Embrace the challenges and mini-games they present, as they offer opportunities to earn stars or gain advantages over your opponents.
  • Utilize cosmic power-ups wisely: When you acquire cosmic power-ups, use them strategically. Consider the current state of the game and the potential benefits each power-up offers. Timing your use of these power-ups can greatly impact your success.

Board 9: Horror Land (Night)

Mario Party Superstars Boards
Mario Party Superstars Boards

A. Overview

Return to Horror Land under the cover of darkness for an even spookier Mario Party experience. In this nocturnal version of the board, the atmosphere becomes more ominous, the challenges more daunting, and the stakes higher than ever.

B. Gameplay Mechanics

Horror Land (Night) builds upon the mechanics of the daytime version, introducing additional elements that heighten the horror-themed gameplay. Players navigate through eerie landscapes, encounter new events, and face even more sinister surprises.

C. Key Features

  • Nighttime Transformations: Horror Land (Night) introduces transformations that alter the board’s layout and gameplay dynamics. Structures may change, secret paths may appear, and the behavior of certain characters or events may become more unpredictable, providing fresh challenges and opportunities.
  • Enhanced Haunted Events: Brace yourself for enhanced haunted events that occur exclusively during the nighttime. These events can intensify the gameplay, testing your skills and offering rewards for those brave enough to face the terrors that await.
  • Strategic Nighttime Choices: Nighttime brings strategic choices to the forefront. Decide whether to take risks, seek out new paths, or play it safe. Assess the potential benefits and risks of each decision and adjust your strategy accordingly.

D. Strategies and Tips:

  • Embrace the transformations: Adapt your gameplay strategy to the changes that occur during the nighttime transformations. Take advantage of new pathways, altered structures, and unique events to maximize your progress.
  • Stay prepared for enhanced haunted events: Be mentally prepared for the intensified haunted events that occur during the nighttime. Sharpen your skills and be ready to face the challenges head-on, as these events often provide opportunities to earn valuable rewards.
  • Assess risks and rewards: Evaluate the risks and rewards associated with nighttime choices. Consider the potential benefits of exploring new paths or triggering specific events, and weigh them against the potential risks. Make calculated decisions to optimize your gameplay.

Board 10: Bowser’s Warped Orbit

A. Overview

Prepare for a showdown with the notorious Bowser as you enter Bowser’s Warped Orbit. This board takes a villainous twist, with Bowser taking center stage in a challenging and treacherous gameplay environment.

B. Gameplay Mechanics

Bowser’s Warped Orbit introduces unique gameplay mechanics focused on Bowser’s influence and his attempts to thwart the players’ progress. As you navigate through the board, you must contend with Bowser’s traps, confrontations, and unpredictable events.

C. Key Features

  • Bowser’s Minions: Throughout the board, Bowser’s minions roam, adding an extra layer of challenge. These minions can hinder your progress, steal your coins, or initiate confrontations that can lead to intense mini-games or unexpected outcomes.
  • Bowser Spaces: Beware of Bowser Spaces scattered across the board. Landing on these spaces can trigger events that may work in Bowser’s favor or create additional challenges for the players.
  • Bowser Showdowns: Prepare for epic showdowns with Bowser himself. These encounters present high-stakes challenges, where victory can result in substantial rewards while defeat may lead to penalties.

D. Strategies and Tips:

  • Manage your resources: Given the challenging nature of Bowser’s Warped Orbit, resource management is crucial. Prioritize collecting coins and items to give yourself an advantage when facing Bowser and his minions.
  • Strategic item usage: Utilize items strategically to navigate Bowser’s Warped Orbit. Items like the Mushroom can boost your movement, helping you avoid confrontations or reach desirable spaces more quickly.
  • Adaptability is key: Bowser’s Warped Orbit is full of surprises and unexpected events. Stay adaptable and be prepared to adjust your strategy based on the evolving circumstances. Quick thinking and flexibility will be vital for success.

Board 11: Pirate Land

A. Overview

Set sail for a swashbuckling adventure in Pirate Land, where the high seas, hidden treasures, and pirate-themed elements create an exciting and adventurous Mario Party experience. This board combines nautical aesthetics, pirate lore, and catchy music to immerse players in a thrilling pirate world.

B. Gameplay Mechanics

Pirate Land introduces gameplay mechanics inspired by the pirate theme. Players navigate through treacherous waters, encounter pirate ships, and search for buried treasures while aiming to collect stars and outsmart their fellow buccaneers.

C. Key Features

  • Pirate Ships: Pirate ships serve as major elements of the board, adding a dynamic aspect to the gameplay. Players can board ships, engage in ship battles, and even take control of ships, opening up opportunities for strategic maneuvers and rewards.
  • Buried Treasures: Uncover buried treasures hidden throughout Pirate Land. These treasures can grant valuable items or additional stars, adding an element of excitement and risk-reward to your pirate escapades.
  • Pirate Events: Encounter pirate events that bring the swashbuckling spirit to life. These events may involve mini-games, challenges, or interactions with quirky pirates, presenting opportunities to gain advantages or hinder your opponents.

D. Strategies and Tips:

  • Master ship battles: Becoming adept at ship battles is crucial in Pirate Land. Pay attention to the mechanics of ship battles, strategize your attacks, and aim to outmaneuver your opponents to claim victory and reap the rewards.
  • Hunt for buried treasures: Keep your eyes peeled for clues and hints that may lead you to buried treasures. Balancing your movement between collecting stars and searching for buried treasures can significantly impact your overall success.
  • Capitalize on pirate events: Engage enthusiastically with pirate events and mini-games, as they often offer unique opportunities to earn extra coins, stars, or advantages. Embrace the pirate spirit and make the most of these moments to gain an edge over your rivals.

Board 12: Bowser’s Enchanted Inferno

Mario Party Superstars Boards
Mario Party Superstars Boards

A. Overview

Prepare for a fiery and challenging finale in Bowser’s Enchanted Inferno. This board takes a diabolical turn as players navigate through a perilous landscape filled with lava, traps, and Bowser’s nefarious schemes.

B. Gameplay Mechanics

Bowser’s Enchanted Inferno introduces intense gameplay mechanics that test players’ skills and resilience. As you traverse the treacherous board, you must navigate through fiery obstacles, endure Bowser’s fiery traps, and confront the ultimate challenge in a thrilling battle against Bowser himself.

C. Key Features:

  • Fiery Obstacles: The board is filled with fiery obstacles that pose risks and challenges to players. Timing your movements and carefully planning your path will be essential to avoid being caught in the flames.
  • Bowser’s Traps: Bowser’s Enchanted Inferno is rife with traps set by the mischievous villain himself. These traps can hinder your progress, steal your coins, or force you into confrontations, adding an extra layer of difficulty to the gameplay.
  • Final Showdown with Bowser: Brace yourself for an epic final battle against Bowser. This climactic encounter will put your skills to the test as you engage in intense mini-games and strategize your moves to outwit the fiery foe.

D. Strategies and Tips:

  • Plan your movements carefully: Given the hazardous nature of Bowser’s Enchanted Inferno, strategize your movements to avoid fiery obstacles and minimize your exposure to Bowser’s traps.
  • Gather resources for the final showdown: Collect coins and items to bolster your chances of success in the final battle against Bowser. Items like the Fire Flower can provide you with advantages and help you overcome the challenges presented by the fiery villain.
  • Stay focused and adaptable: Bowser’s Enchanted Inferno demands both focus and adaptability. The board presents numerous unpredictable elements, so be prepared to adjust your strategy on the fly and make quick decisions to overcome obstacles and emerge victorious in the ultimate battle.


Mario Party Superstars brings together a collection of diverse and exciting boards that offer unique gameplay experiences for players. From the whimsical Peach’s Birthday Cake to the intense Bowser’s Enchanted Inferno, each board presents its own challenges, mechanics, and strategies. Whether you’re exploring mystical lands, navigating treacherous seas, or braving haunted territories, the boards in Mario Party Superstars offer hours of entertainment and memorable moments. So gather your friends, prepare your strategies, and embark on an exhilarating journey through the captivating world of Mario Party Superstars. May the dice roll in your favor and the stars shine brightly upon your path!

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Mario Party Superstars Boards
Mario Party Superstars Boards

Written by Angie

Mario Party Superstars Maps

Mario Party Superstars Daisy