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Nintendo Switch Triangle Strategy

Are you a fan of Nintendo Switch games? If so, you may be interested in the latest addition to the tactical RPG genre, “Nintendo Switch Triangle Strategy.” This game offers a compelling storyline, strategic gameplay mechanics, and beautiful visuals that are sure to delight gamers of all ages. And if you’re looking for more gaming news and reviews, be sure to check out This blog covers all the latest gaming news and provides in-depth reviews of the hottest games on the market. Visit today to stay up-to-date on all the latest gaming trends and releases.

Nintendo Switch is a popular video game console that has captured the hearts of gamers all around the world. The console has a vast collection of games that cater to different interests, and the latest addition to this collection is “Triangle Strategy.” Developed by Square Enix, “Triangle Strategy” is a tactical RPG game that is a spiritual successor to “Final Fantasy Tactics” and “Tactics Ogre.” The game was released on March 4, 2022, and has already become a hit among gamers. In this article, we will take a closer look at “Nintendo Switch Triangle Strategy” and everything you need to know about it.

Nintendo Switch Triangle Strategy: Storyline

Nintendo Switch Triangle Strategy
Nintendo Switch Triangle Strategy

“Triangle Strategy” is set in the world of “Norzelia,” which is divided into three regions: “Glenbrook,” “Aesfrost,” and “Hyzante.” The story revolves around a conflict between the three regions over the valuable resource, “Saltiron,” which is essential for their survival. The player takes on the role of “Serenoa,” the heir to the Glenbrook throne, and must navigate the complex political landscape of Norzelia to secure peace and prosperity for the land.

Gameplay: Nintendo Switch Triangle Strategy

“Triangle Strategy” is a tactical RPG game that requires the player to make strategic decisions to progress through the game. The game is played on a grid-based map, and the player must move their characters across the map to defeat enemies and achieve objectives. The game offers a variety of character classes, each with unique abilities and strengths, allowing the player to create a personalized party to suit their playstyle.

Combat System

The combat system in “Triangle Strategy” is turn-based, and the player must make strategic decisions to defeat their enemies. The game features a “Vanguard” and “Flank” system, where the player’s party is divided into two groups. The Vanguard is the front line and can attack enemies directly, while the Flank is the supporting group and can perform various actions to help the Vanguard. The game also features a “Break” system, where the player can break an enemy’s defense to deal more damage.

Choices and Consequences

“Triangle Strategy” is a game that emphasizes the player’s choices and the consequences that follow. The game features a “Morality” system, where the player’s decisions affect the story’s outcome. The game presents the player with various moral dilemmas, and the player must choose how to proceed, with each decision having a significant impact on the game’s storyline.

Nintendo Switch Triangle Strategy: Visuals and Sound

Triangle Strategy
Triangle Strategy

“Triangle Strategy” features beautiful visuals that are reminiscent of traditional Japanese RPG games. The game’s art style is unique and immersive, with intricate details that bring the game’s world to life. The game’s soundtrack is also well-crafted, with music that sets the mood and adds to the game’s overall atmosphere.

Nintendo Switch Triangle Strategy: Reception

“Triangle Strategy” has received positive reviews from critics and gamers alike. The game’s storyline, gameplay mechanics, and visuals have been praised for their depth and complexity. The game has also been praised for its attention to detail and the emphasis on the player’s choices and consequences.

Character Customization

“Triangle Strategy” offers a variety of character classes, each with unique abilities and strengths. Players can customize their characters’ classes and abilities to create a personalized party that suits their playstyle. As players progress through the game, they can unlock new abilities and classes, allowing them to further customize their party and make strategic decisions based on their playstyle.

Map Exploration

Triangle Strategy
Triangle Strategy

In addition to tactical RPG gameplay, “Triangle Strategy” also offers exploration elements. Players can explore the game’s world and discover new areas, hidden treasures, and side quests. The game’s world is filled with intricate details and lore that add depth and immersiveness to the game. Exploration is also necessary to progress through the game’s story, as players must navigate the world and make strategic decisions to achieve their objectives.

Online Multiplayer

“Triangle Strategy” offers online multiplayer options, allowing players to engage in strategic battles with others online. Players can create their own custom battles, choose their party members, and compete against others in tactical RPG battles. Multiplayer adds a new level of replayability to the game, allowing players to engage with the game’s mechanics in new and exciting ways.

Accessibility: Nintendo Switch Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy Nintendo Switch
Triangle Strategy Nintendo Switch

“Triangle Strategy” offers accessibility options for players with disabilities, such as colorblind mode, text size options, and controller remapping. These options allow players to customize the game’s visuals and controls to suit their individual needs, making the game more inclusive and accessible for all players.

DLC and Updates

Square Enix has announced that “Triangle Strategy” will receive post-release DLC and updates. These updates will include new story content, characters, and gameplay mechanics, adding even more depth and replayability to the game. The first DLC pack is scheduled for release in the summer of 2022, and additional updates will follow.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, “Nintendo Switch Triangle Strategy” is a well-crafted tactical RPG game that offers an immersive storyline, strategic gameplay mechanics, and beautiful visuals. The game’s emphasis on the player’s choices and consequences adds depth and immersiveness to the game, while the customization options and exploration elements provide replayability and variety. With online multiplayer options, accessibility features, and post-release DLC and updates, “Triangle Strategy” is a must-play game for fans of tactical RPGs and Nintendo Switch enthusiasts alike.

And if you’re looking for more gaming news and reviews, be sure to check out This blog covers all the latest gaming news and provides in-depth reviews of the hottest games on the market. Visit today to stay up-to-date on all the latest gaming trends and releases, and to discover more exciting games like “Nintendo Switch Triangle Strategy.”


Written by Angie

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